Sunday, February 14, 2010

Mi Mujer Bonita

That's what she used to call me. My whole life, she would greet me with, "Ah, Mujer Bonita!". It always brought a smile to my face. I don't even know where the nickname started, but I loved that of all the grandkids that she had (she had thirteen kids, and most procreated), I was special.

She was godly, compassionate, patient (let's remember that she had 13 kids!), and truly meek. To this day, I've actually never met anyone with the same graceful spirit as she had. A real gem.

I'm blessed to have had her as my grandmother. Every day with her was hopeful. Every day a gift. Especially considering that I grew up overseas and I only really got to see my abuela on the summers when I visited. Every memory that I have of my childhood in Miami involves her, especially when I moved to Miami. I spent a lot of time staying at their house with other family members. Her house was the center of the family.

She made the best mondogo. Her fish stew was delicious. I used to hate arroz con coco until I tasted hers. You know, my mother taught me to love cooking, but my abuela showed me the uniting power of cooking. Every day, she would make all of this food and, hour by hour, more and more family would show up. Whether it be before going to work, their lunch break, or right after work....either way, all that food she made....gone. It was crazy!

So, now, the Lord has received my wonderful Abuela and I can only be happy because she is finally seeing the amazing face of our Savior and she can now worship and glorify Him in person. She is the one that is truly joyful now while her family stays behind and mourns the loss of such a great person and such a great gift from the Lord in our lives.

She leaves behind 12 children, more grandchildren than I can count and more than 10 great grandchildren. A part of me is sad that I waited so long to take the plunge in getting married and having kids because I took away a wonderful experience for my kids. Yet, that's what life is, right? Generations pass away and our responsibility is to make sure that we pass on the godly wisdom and life experiences to the next ones.

Eloisa Pantoja. Mi Mujer Bonita....Te quiero muchisimo Abuela y se que Dios te va ha recibir con los abrazos abiertos.

I love you.

what up?!?!?

Yup, small changes but here is my new home! It's still under construction, but much easier for me.

That's all that matters right?

Also, I was going through some pics and going down memory lane and I found this....

This is from a trip Vlad and I took to Cincy to go to Ikea (aka: the best store in the world!). We also went to the Aquarium and had a blast!